We all know how crucial a good night's sleep is for our health and wellbeing. Getting a good sleep starts with how you relax and wind down before bed. It's important to leave the day behind and ensure that you're in the right mindset, as this will improve the quality of your sleep and set you up for the next day. Here are some simple ways to help you wrap up your day, prepare for the day ahead and wind down...


- Get your lunch ready for the next day 

- Plan your outfit 

- Lay out your gym clothes (if you're doing a morning workout)

- Set your morning alarm 

- Put your phone on do not disturb


- Have a cup of tea (our favourite is Serenity by Mayde Tea)

- Take your daily dose of Sleep by The Beauty Chef

- Have a glass of water to ensure that you're hydrated


- Take a long, warm bath (be sure to add a soothing bath soak

- Put your diffuser on with a calming scent 

- Read a good book or listen to a podcast (whichever helps you relax)


- Stretch or meditate 

- Journal 

- Write down three things you're grateful for

* The content provided in this article is provided for information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice and consultation, including professional medical advice and consultation.

Our Wind Down Essentials