How to body brush:
- Start at your feet, moving in long sweeping motions toward your heart as this moves with the flow of the lymphatic system. Use firm, small strokes upwards, several times in each area.
- Begin sweeping your feet, starting with the soles of your feet as this area has many little nerve endings that need to be stimulated.
- Continue brushing up your legs and groin area.
- Proceed to your hands moving up your arms. Move to your armpits as there are many lymph nodes here and it will get any toxins and stagnant energy moving.
- From your neck stroke down towards your heart.
- Use circular clockwise strokes on your abdomen - this follows the path of your colon and helps stimulate elimination.
- Brush upwards from your buttocks, lower back and down from your neck.
* The content provided in this article is provided for information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice and consultation, including professional medical advice and consultation.